Complex of chapels and other architectural features, imitating Calvary in Jerusalem.
Examples for "sacro monte "
Examples for "sacro monte "
1 Was entertained at dinner by the Municipio of Varallo-Sesia on the Sacro Monte .
2 Frescoes at Saronno and in the Sacro Monte at Varallo.
3 Plate I: Plan of the Sacro Monte in 1671
4 What remains of his work on the Sacro Monte itself consists of statues of Sta.
5 Such miracles are still of occasional if not frequent occurrence in connection with the Sacro Monte .
1 Yonder is the sacred mount , towering far above the clouds and fogs of sin and selfishness.
2 His fingers drifted from my hair to my body, roaming like the goat on the hills of the sacred mount .
3 It is the day on which the pilgrims go up the sacred mount near Mecca, to hear the sermon which terminates the Haj.
4 The people gave Manius Valerius thenceforth the name of "the great" (-maximus-)-andcalled the mount beyond the Anio "the sacred mount . "
5 The road lies open to the Sacred Mount and to other hills.
1 Near Tsótzĭlh, the sacred mountain of the south, lived Yéĭtso, the Big God.
2 He dwelt on a sacred mountain and acted as adviser to the king.
3 He stood at the beginning of the trail that led up the sacred mountain .
4 This sacred mountain had never been climbed by an Indian.
5 It's the only documented subterranean mountain, a sacred mountain .
1 Calvary hill and empty tomb were prefigured.
2 The same could happen around Karla's birthday, He's probably been out to visit Karla's grave at Calvary Hill Cemetery.
3 When Christ came to redeem mankind, they made him carry His own cross to Calvary Hill , where He died in blood and dust.
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Translations for calvary hill